Kullurk Coolart

Bachelor of Architectural Design – Design Studio, Semester 1, 2018


Tags BASBAS2018Sem1Lucinda McLean

The Parks Victoria owned and run Coolart Wetlands sits between small coastal towns along the Westernport Coast. The wetlands provide vital bird habitat to local and migrating birds. Along this coast and crossing over the Coolart area run indigenous paths of movement. The Boon Wurrung /Bunurong used these paths to move along the coast and seasonally between ‘down country’ and ‘up country’.

This design studio will work with Parks Victoria and the Coolart Wetlands to design an indigenous trail. The trail will provide a way to move over the ground, places to walk in silence, places to sit and yarn, places for gathering. A way of slowing down and listening, interacting with seasonal change, human and non‐human life.

The project will introduce students to an understanding of the indigenous history of the area, knowledge of ground and country, time and life. This knowledge along with approaches and methods for documenting and mapping the site, drawing the land, walking, observing, storytelling will be developed  to lead to design strategies and small‐scale design interventions.

The studio classes will include guest lectures, workshops and site work including long walks. Group and class work is an important aspect of the studio.